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Local Authorities & Councils

Chris Bartholomew Electrical Contractors Ltd is proud to work in partnership with Wealden District Council,  managing electrical contracts for all of the council’s properties including the social housing schemes.

We are responsible for the electrical contracting works across the whole district and fully manage the relationship between Wealden District Council tenants in regard to any electrical problems that may arise.

This requires us to be on call 24hours a day, 7 days a week, delivering the highest quality of service to Wealden’s residents and Leaseholders.

Through our sister company – Ecosphere Renewables we’ve been awarded the contract to install 471 kWp of Solar PV across 19 sites, including social housing for Ipswich Borough Council.

In the summer of 2014, Ecosphere Renewables completed a 9.81 kWp Solar PV system at Hove Junior School (formally West Hove Police Station) on behalf on Brighton & Hove City Council.   We are delighted to be working alongside such a green council and as a local company hope that we get the  opportunity to help the city to become more and more energy self sufficient.