Our Solar Panels
We have chosen the Solar panels we offer based on quality, efficiency and value we only use Tier 1 Solar Panels.
As respected Solar Panel Installers we have carefully researched into a number of criteria for each manufacturer including size and financial stability, efficiency and how ethically* the panels are produced.
Our leading panel is SunPower panels which are the most efficient available on the market today and will give you by far the best returns on your investment. See our dedicated Sunpower page which etails the advantages of a Sunpower system.
We also offer a number of other panels for different budgets all of which have been carefully researched to offer the best combination of costs and efficiency
The most efficient panel on the market today, the SunPower E20 is ideal for those wanting to generate the highest output where space is at a premium, ideal for smaller roof spaces. A high-specification design and SunPower’s own MaxeonTM cell technology gives efficiencies of up to 20.1%. As well as being incredibly reliable, the panels also perform well in low light. They are the top performing panel for 2012 according to Photon Test Reports Including Sunpower out performing other panels by on average 7.83% (based on KWhs produced per KWp installed).
A German manufacturer, Solar World panels are benefit from high build quality, good real life performance. They score highly in all areas, see Photon magazine efficiency test (pdf) when tested independently. They also score highly on the ethical scale. They have a very good in-roof system and offer an extended warranty on the whole install so are often the panel of choice for housing developers.
ReneSola are a Tier 1 panel that offer high performance with a low cost. Ecosphere have used this panel on several large scale commercial projects where budget restraints are an issue they also work well on new build properties.
They have recently opened a distribution center in Lewes, East Sussex which also saves on transport costs.